Well I had a make up horse back riding lesson today. It was great. She's letting us ride the horse we are going to ride on the show on saturday. Usually that's our favorite. Yay. So ya I got Nellie my baby! She was supremly good. She just likes to smash me into the wall when I groom her. It's funny. So first we go out to the ring I've groomed her. She starts trying to attack people so I find my own spot and a trainer comes to hold her cause she was moving around alot. I got on and started with a walk it was a nice good paced walk. Went around the ring 5 times and then moved to the trot. She was great. She trotted when I said to trot and kept going when I said to keep going. I might not be so worried about her as I was before. So yay! It was a great lesson. I got to canter her and did stuff with out stirrups which was nice. And thank god that my class won't be judged on their leads. I have trouble getting the correct one with Nellie. But anyway I'm super excited. I can't wait! I have another lesson tomarow and probably will ride Nellie again. YAY! Well here's a pic of my second baby, Danny:
Yep he's a cutie! I love him a bunch!
Luv yaz,

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