Ya I'm sortof... Kinda... Tired... I havn't been getting sleep lately. It seems like some little dream monster has taken over my dreams... So here's one I had 2 nights ago:
I was on rollerscates and I fell in the middle of the road. Then I started to break dance in the middle of the road (I can't even do that O.o) then I got up and my scates were gone and there was a car behind me. So the light turned green and the car went and hit me on my leg. I yelled at the car and said "HEY PEDESTRIANS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY!". And then the dream ended...
Is this a sign? I know I'm worried about driving but that's kinda weird... Anyway to today... Hmm nothing has happend I'm extremly bored and don't want to do my homework. I don't know why but I'm becoming extremly good at math O.o. It's weird. I got my horn fixed cause those stupid plane people broke it. It's all fixed now thank god. But anyway I HATE YOU STUPID PLANE PEOPLE! I have horse back riding soon and I might get to ride my favorite horse... Who knows... Lol well I hope I do... I should put a pic of one of my babies on here... Oh ya does anyone know of any websites for posting movies on the internet?

Well Bye,

P.S Oh ya.. Forgot wanted to post this pic

I know I'm ugly so don't say anything to make it worse...
WHAT!! you want to post the video on the internet?! No you can't do that!!!