I feel lovable... If that's even a feeling. Lol I like to think of songs in my head. I thought of one today. I forgot it -_-. Lol oh well. So ya nothing happend today. My horn teacher rocks. Lol I love her. She is my hero. Lol anyway. I'm tired today and my dad crumpled up my homework and threw it on the ground. I always argue with him and he HATES it. He thinks he's the only one I argue with. Well I'm an arguer I guess. Lol well oh well. He was mad. He apologized so I was like ok... Well I drew a good picture last night. I give all you drawers a challenge. Try to draw this character:

This is my drawing of her:

Thanks bye!
This is my new site for that character btw:
i think im up to your challenge