I had a pretty good day today. I went to the mall with my mother, bought some neato stuff-a glitterboy skirt, eyeshadow from MAC, other assorted things. I took some pictures of myself when I got home...here they are.
And then...a special set for someone special...(I guess).
I'll post some more when I don't look like crap on a stick, if ever that should occur. Since the "special someone" mentioned above is on my case about posting this...I'll end it now. HAPPY NOW?
Aww you're so cute! (as always)
Ah yes, only 2 more weeks after this one. What is this crap that goes until the end of June??
If I dye my hair, I shall post pictures so you can see my weird expressions I make in most of them.
But really, thank you for my little set of pictures. It's really sweetuh of you. <3
I love you so muches! :-]
And you be ver ver pretty, like always.
-Jean Luke 4rel
Ah yes, only 2 more weeks after this one. What is this crap that goes until the end of June??
If I dye my hair, I shall post pictures so you can see my weird expressions I make in most of them.