The title of this entry is basically unrelated to anything I will write in the following little white box, but more in relation to a livejournal entry I have been meaning to write for eons. Maybe I will get to it sometime soon. I've been lazy and overwhelmed with school lately. Well, just overwhelmed in general.
I went to the mall Saturday. Bought Gothic Beauty and the VNV Nation Futureperfect CD. Saw a couple hideous mallgoths and one pretty girl whom I would have loved to meet but did not.
I wish I could meet someone who wasn't entirely detestable. I could really use a relationship. Oh well...
In other news, here is my latest art project (for school). It is a playing card featuring Davey Havok. Lyrics in the background (c) AFI-God Called in Sick Today and Morningstar.
The Back:

The Front:

I like it. :)
How did you get it to look exactly the same on each side?
I'm looking, and i can't find anything that proves it isn't a mirror. :P
Take care :D
Well, I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow because I"m having double vision. That might be it too.
Futureperfect is such a great album.
:O Megadeth!!!
:D m/
What is Sirius? You should buy Youthanasia. Or however you spell it. Anyways, thank you for you wonderfully kind notes.
I hope you are having good days and better futures :)