Well, I leave today for Australia. For those of you who don't know, I'm going to Australia for three weeks with a People to People student ambassador group. In about an hour we're leaving for the hotel, and tomorrow we go to the airport. I'm a little nervous. I think my animals know that I'm leaving, because they've been crowding around me and have been very cuddly-like all day. I'm going to miss them so much. I have everything packed except for CDs. I can only bring thirteen, because thats all the little case can hold. I am going to try and figure out a way to be able to take more though. I had written this entry before but sitdiary signed me out and I had forgotten to save my entry on my computer. Oh well, I don't know what else I was planning on saying. To all my friends; Josh, Attila, Jess, Ashley, Tony, and Nick, I will miss you all very much, and bring you back Australian stuffs. I hope you won't forget me while I'm gone. I have decided to put up a bunch of pictures since I'm going to be gone so long. I hope this doesn't bother anyone. If so, just don't look at them.
Picture #1 #2 #3
Conor Oberst

Picture #4 #5 #6
Brian Molko & Placebo

Pure Morning by
A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather
A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who'll tease is better ,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather
A friend in needs a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she's pressed she will undress,
And then she's boxing clever
A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever
Day's dawning, skins crawling [x3]
Pure morning [x3]
A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who'll tease is better,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather
A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever
Day's dawning, skins crawling [x3] Pure morning [x3]
A friend in needs a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she's pressed she will undress,
And then she's boxing clever
A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breast and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather
I'll say goodnight and bow to everyone...
I love you and hope you have a great time!
Brian Molko is hott.
But he looks a bit like Zim Zum (used to?) in that last picture.