Blech. Terribly sick. I wish I could stay home tomorrow, but I really can't miss any more school for a while. I'm going to be MISERABLE.
The Oscars are making me angry. I think anyone who is watching the show understands why.
In other news, I got a haircut. See for yourself (ignore my face, I know it looks like shit):
And one for comedic(ish) relief:
Erika, I think you are very beautiful. My hair is no longer black because I got bored with it. Now it's an even more boring brown -_-
It does make me feel better knowing im not all crazy and the only one. I feel better now, but I just go through these moods where I completely hate myself, and don't want to exist. Grr. Anyways, I'm always here to talk to.
Thank you.
sorry to post though i dont know you
ur face is fine
and ur shirt rocks
The hugeness of your boobs in picture three.
I'm sorry. I couldn't help but point that out.
Haha. I don't mean it to be bad huge, I'm just saying. So don't be mad about it. ;P
I suppose it's more of an inside joke, if you still remember.
Your eyebrows are hott in those pictures. Your hair, too. I think it's your best cut since around Summer 2003.
It does make me feel better knowing im not all crazy and the only one. I feel better now, but I just go through these moods where I completely hate myself, and don't want to exist. Grr. Anyways, I'm always here to talk to.
Thank you.
I watched the oscars too,
what was pissing you off?
I was really happy that Eternal Sunshine got original screenplay.
It made my night. :)
Take care!
ur face is fine
and ur shirt rocks
I'm sorry. I couldn't help but point that out.
Haha. I don't mean it to be bad huge, I'm just saying. So don't be mad about it. ;P
I suppose it's more of an inside joke, if you still remember.
Your eyebrows are hott in those pictures. Your hair, too. I think it's your best cut since around Summer 2003.
GIR shirt is kyoot, too. :-)
You stay out of school today?