Let's see, the summer so far has gone something like this:
-Earl and I finally admitted our undying love for one another. Raise your hand if you called it.
-Everyone basically hung out at my house, on my street, in my hood. Earl had long hair.
-Jacobo came at the very end of June. We were bffs after two days.
-Earl finally got his hair cut! I was more pleased than you could ever imagine.
On July 18th-19th, we went to NYC with the Spanish kids.
I'm pretty sure if you turn my face on its side, it will actually say "XD"
-The Secret's out. I wear deodorant while in large cities.
-Central Park =)
-Empire State.
-ESPN Cafe. We never made it upstairs. =(
-Fixed my computer/burned a sock at Earl's.
I spent the majority of July sleeping on Earl's bed and trying on his belongings.
There Ben.