Listening to: FM Static- Hey Now
I went to the gym today.
Alice and I are practically cross-trainers. And by that, I mean workout buddies. It was so much fun. Beats the Y by about a million somethings.
I'm listening to that FM Static song that Frank and Michelle and I know. The one we sing a lot because we know it and we're proud.
"And instantly, I feel so complete, it hits me right about the time you kiss my cheek, and you give me this feeling, it's like no other feeling, but it knocks me off my feeettt. Please don't ask me what I like about you, cause it's every little thing you do and, that's just the way you make me feeeel."
Good song. Clara had a Claraparty today. That was lots of fun. Tomorrow we have band for a while and a half and then a Pizza/Pride party. Those are cool, but I can think of a million other things I'd probably rather do. Okay, two or three, but they're there, and I'd rather do them.

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