Listening to: Suessical
Feeling: pained
The Great Escape with the Arbidge family is not like The Great Escape with any other family. On the way there, we discussed evolution, and needless to say, they changed my outlook completely, and I am now 100% creationist. Everything was going perfectly that day. Our timing was perfect for every ride, there were absolutely no lines, and we got to stay on whatever rides we wanted. We were even the first ones on the Nightmare. Amazing. Our luck was just too amazingly good. I even got a TAN. On my LEGS. Dom, you would be proud. Haha, I fell asleep by the wave pool, and I woke up, and a little girl was staring at me, and she goes "You sleeping?" and I was like "Yeah, I was." And she goes "Hmm... you have a bathing suit on. Why?" She looked about two years old, so I was surprised at her verbal skills. So we had a nice discussion about appropriate times to wear bathing suits and sunscreen that starts out blue and blends into your body. She liked that. Then I realized she had probably lost her parents, so I looked around, and a couple came up to me and said "Looks like you have an audience. Don't worry, she's ours." So I was like "Thank God." And then they walked away and left her there. So we hung out some more. Haha. We rode the Comet a total of eight times I think. We sort of started riding it just for the pictures, which I figured out how to get for free. Johnny and Mike were planning poses, and we were trying to react to them. Haha. Pretty lame.

That was our "Just chillin'" pose. Haha. I was writing my name on my hand with a pen I found on the ground. That's skill. So, that's the official picture for the day, because Mr and Mrs Arbidge are in it. The other two are on myspace, if you care. I mean, I think they're pretty amusing. Then I introduced the entire family and Johnny to the village, where none of them had ever been, and they seemed to enjoy it. Then some funny rapping woman gave us free Coke Zeroes. Not bad, for soda. Then we got gelato. And I kind of wish I had gotten regular ice cream. Cause I had too much sugary soda all day, and then I had some of that, and it wasn't good. But the whole day was really awesome. Except, when I got home, I found out that I had missed a six hour Seussical rehearsal that my parents failed to remind me about. Then I was grounded from the computer. Shhh. Man, I always make these entires too long. Sorry. I have to go clean my room. I only have a short six hours remaining before my dad takes all of my belongings to the dump. And I really believe he will. Call if it's before 3 and you want to help. Pleaaase.
