So I went to the beach today. Had some fun. Ate some hot dogs and bees with people. Went home early with Meghan and Heather because Meghan is a Let's-Leave-Early-Lisa, and because I had a stomachache. That makes me a wussbucket. But we knew that. I get to soccer tomorrow. Hooray. Sort of. I'm not even sure when practice is. We'll go with 8. And if I get there early, hey, there's an officers meeting I can/should go to.
I wish my family went places. Everybody's family goes places. My parents even got my hopes up by saying "Well, if it makes you feel any better, we're going camping next week," to which I replied "HOLY CRAP, CAMPING? REALLY?! COOL! WHERE?" to which they replied "Wellll, the Porter's backyard." Bullcrap. The Porter's backyard is no bigger than ours. I think I'll run away just for kicks, but with no serious intentions of getting revenge on anyone or being rebellious. Just to make my life more interesting. It will be a blast; a comedic adventure suitable for the whole family. Who knows what wacky characters I'll run into, or what street gangs I'll join! How promising.
Edit: So I guess I won't have to run away after all. All I had to do was print out a map of the United States, then a map of New England, cut them out, tape them onto manilla folders, cut out the folders, tape them together, stick potential vacation spots with tacks, and give my parents a well-thought-out presentation. And I did. Then I stuck them to the fridge so they wouldn't forget.
That is so awesome. We'll be going to Boston in five days.

have fun in bawston.
you gahnna take the cahh?
to bawston?