hello again everybody. Boy I tell you its been a whirlwind few months. Ive lost touch with so many of ya'll its crazy.
I got an email from John saying he's got his commission and put on that good'ole butter bar! Thats some real crazy stuff to here. To think, if I ever did happen to see him and we were both in uniform I would actually have to salute him. I doubt thatll be happeninganytime soon though. By the end of next year it wont matter much since my time with the Air Force will be done and we will be returning home.
I also have caught wind that Kelsi and Grant got hitched??? Ive only heard a rumor so if someone can confirm for me Ide appreciet it. If its true I could use thier address, We would like to send them a card at the least.
I cant say Ive heard to much. But I dont get too many emails anymore. Probebly cause I usually cant reply back. I get so busy I usually read my emails befor a mission and when I wake up.
Ok news from me to you. Well theres not too much. By thrusday I will be one of the few 4 analyist qualified people on my entire base! I thinks its really pimp. But the big goal is to walk out of here with a total of 8 qualifications. Ill finally get my promotion to Senior Airman (or SRA as we call it) on Apr 30th....its about time is all I can say. Oh and a big thanks to everybody that gave an interview to the SSO people. I finally got my clearance!! So you guys must not of told them about that one time! Ha ha, just kidding. But seriously thanks. Hopefully ya'll at least got some free food out of it.
enough about me. Shelly is still working at the CDC (child devlopment center). Its gotten a little bit easyier since there is a diffrent manager in charge right now. But its still just not the job she is wanting to do long term. She'll be coming back home in may for her sisters graduation and then we'll both be coming back in July for my sisters wedding (Im still in denial BTW).
Both of use are going to Disney land the first part of may, so that should be really fun!
Well boy. I cant really think of anything else without boring ya'll to death! I hope everyone is doing well! Im really sorry we didnt get a chance to see any of ya'll when we came back home. But alas 1 week to visit just isnt enough time, but then again its almost too much. Either way hopefully Ill see ya'll sooner than later. Please feel free to shoot an email my way. I promise Ill try my best to shoot one back. My email address is still Airman_v@hotmail.com. God Bless ya'll!
Oh yah, I almost forgot. HENRY! Well apparently Henry likes to watch Disney movies! I didnt realize it till we bought Lady and the Tramp. I saw him staring at somthing and it was the TV. His head would follow the characters! Its probebly the funniest thing Ive ever seen the cat do. I even recorded him doing it with our kodak camera. Funny stuff.
Oh yah and a pic of my me and my future bro in law from when we came back home in january.

Remeber kids, Be good. You never know when Henry will be watching!
Yes Grant and Kelsi got married.