Listening to: sEvEnDuSt
Feeling: exhausted
Man.. Its monday allready! I just got back from comanders call. Its an Airforce enlistment thing. We had to practice salutes and standing at attention, etc. etc. stuff like that. I had my salute perfect everytime. Guess thats what I get for being a AF brat. After we practiced and weighed in, we went to the gym. First time for me. Ran 2 miles non stop. Now that may not sound too hard to some people, but to someone like me who barley could make a mile without stopping, it is a mirical. So I did it 2 miles non-stop. I cant wait to tell my sister. Her jaw will hit the floor.
we did other stuff , but that was my big accomplishment. I think I actually surprised TSgt. Kilgore.
For those of you into all kinds of music, Im just really diging the new sevendust cd!
Had my b-day party over the weekend. Was a really good time. Or well I atleast had a good time. Allthough , Becca, you should and Erin should of never given me those cupcakes. I came home from CC today and scarfed down 2 right off. :) Rick got me this little remote control car. It does doughnuts in our kitchen!!!! Im having wayyy too much fun with that. Shelly made me a teddy bear, all dressed in camo, with my oh-so typical white tee! She's such a sweety.
Since yesterday (sunday) was my actual birthday, she came to church with me. She actually stayed with me the whole day. Some of the korean kids were having a bit of an off day. But they were still great little kids. well Im going to go to sleep now. Here's a pic for illustrative purposes. Its Shells and I after church on sunday. Cute aint she ;)

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