Hello my people. Figured Ide do what is now my monthly entry. Things are going good down here. 7 more weeks and Ill be home. Itll be real nice to get outta here. I pick up my orders next week. Once I have those I will finally be able to put Shells and I in for base housing. Right now Im in block 14, we'll finish that up next week. 3 More blocks and were done. The picture is of me and my class chillin on some Russian SAM equipment. Bonus points go to whoever can tell me what specific equipment it is ;) Well thats about it. The 4th is coming up. I really excited for 2 reasons. 1st- Shelly is coming down!!! and second this is my first 4th being and active military member. Well Wish I could type sommore but Benard and are are going to the base chapel today. Hope everybody is doing good, and Ill see ya'll In less than 2 months. Take care!
your sis in Christ,