Listening to: 10 years
Feeling: unloved
Have ya'll ever noticed how many of those dang moods there are?? I swear I read through them sometimes just to find the really out there ones.
Had to get that out of my system. Well I had to try and say hi to everyone last night. Im currently working the night shift, so my body refuses to go to bed earlier than 3am-4amish. Thats why I was up late last night. So lemme think whats new?? oh Well to get the bad news out of the way. I did not make rank early like I was hoping. All in all it came down to politcal BS as alot does apparently. So Ill be an lowly A1C till april next year, and then they just give it to me for being in long enough.
However I can tell you that I am steadly if not allready becoming the best IA in this squadren, PERIOD! It happens to be something that Im proud of, and it just goes to show that when the Lord is on your side, you really can cut through all the stress and perform better than ever!
Im still looking for a way to get Offutt and get out of here. TRUST ME, This assignment is horrible! I work with good people, just alot about this base is so neglecting and abusive its wrong. I can honestly say at this point I will not be re-enlisting. I will not be raising my kids here, period-end of statement. (oh and NO Shelly is NOT pregnant) Another 3-4 years Lord willing, after we get out of here, and I get a stable job, and she's finised college, etc, etc.
Well, we still have no church out here. We need alot of prayers on that. My work scheadule is consistantly screwing up sundays. Good thing the Bible is accesable 24-7!
Big news, Henry the cat is one.....again! Actually we've had him a year, but since we never knew his birthday we just made it the day we got him. He probebly really closer to 4,With all the shedding that comes with being 4.
Well I havent done anything new to my car as of recently. I opted to get Shelly some things she's wanted. Some new jewlry, cause I havent gotton her any in a while and well girls need accesories! (hint, hint GUYS!) I also got her an pink Ipod mini. She loves it cause she can fit all of her music on it (40+ cds worth) and well of course its PINK! Only problem is I want one now ;) Just not pink!!! BLACK... no pink for me..noooo. Oh and new cloths, as always.
She's still unable to attend college, weve looked at a couple of online courses, but nothing really matchs up with social work.(another reason why Im trying to get us back home)
Gas prices are killing us out here. Where we have to drive at least 45minutes just to get to a freakin target it gets a little pricey.
That and this california gas is horrid. so far texas gas was the absolute best, but I will deffinatly go with nebraska gas!
We went to Yosimite National Park with my grandparents a couple of weeks ago. My grandpa almost made us sick driving through the mountians, trust me it was his driving. The park was really neat. Shelly and I are going to return ourselves so we can do things at our own pace.
Well folks thats about it. Go and rent Lilo and Stitch 2 (I love the stitch movies). Oh yah, theres a Buffet Pizza place next to Oakview called CI CI's Pizza. GO THERE!! ENJOY! They had one in texas where I was in tech school and its was good pizza/all you can eat/ cheap price! Well folks heres some pictures of the car as it sits right now, plus a bonus. Enjoy, and Ill try to put up pictures from diffrent stuff we've done, some other time.

And lastly me and my awsome wife out at Downtown Disney!

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