pictures time; haven't done this in a while.
1. moi w/ the frames used in my aunt's cameraphone at battambang. look closely in the background and u can see restaurant tables! 2. meee 3. my sketch of therese! 4. sergio being shy 5. pre-wedding 6. paperclip chain well things are settling with the cst testing and all that crap. last week, from tues-thurs, there was the cst testing. i got transferred to mr. jocz's room and he was pretty cool. because i didn't have a science class [hence no science test], mr. jocz allowed me to go to the college center. and javier was using the computer so i slept on the couch. and on friday we got out early so i just hanged out with sergio for a while and then he had to go to the vegan potluck and off he went with joaquin & alex. and on saturday, it was his birthday but he couldn't come to saturday school =( so i waited 55 mins for a bus that never came and took another bus and met him at troy`s. it was soooo fun going down the hill with him on his bike although i was afraid we might crash and i'll fly off the bike and crack my head and whatever. but he loved his card =] i gave him all my money so now i'm broke like a mofo and now i need that summer job, which is so hard to get. and on sunday i went w/ my sister to exchange her clothes. and then i got dropped off at central and saw sergio for a short while. i was sad that it couldn't be longer though...