my photography/photoshop skills (sucks). & no, that isn't me. i call this fallen into a deep slumber. - - - - - - so today, i woke up at e i g h t a m . i usually sleep in on the weekends because waking up at 6am monday-friday is really sleep deprivation, due to my random insomnia & late-night thinkings. so i ate breakfast and then went to woodbury university @ burbank. there was a college/career fair there & i was ecstatic to go. i'm a geek, i know (= [actually no, i'm just collegebound!] so we [mal&i] walked around, talked to the representatives, got shitload of info, & tried to get all the free stuff available. i was only disappointed to not find any internships opps, since it was a career fair also. and i brought 3 copies of my resume and everything. and scripps college wasn't there! grr. but it was all right. then we went to woody`s but the food court wasn't even open yet. and so we got coffee and decided to walk to hill st. cafe. it was ok, i am really not a fan of the typical breakfast w/ the pancakes, waffles and all that. well i guess i'm not willing to pay 10 bucks for just that. but we got huevos ranchero & a banana nut muffin. i paid for the food and she was suppose to pay for the tip. however, she didn't wanna break her 5 and we asked all the people around us if they could break a 5. but nope, everyone got 5`s just like us. so this guy told us to go to the register & ask there and we went toward the register, out the door. it's not like we made much of a mess anyways. but i don't think i can ever make it thru a small college because i go to a small high school and those 4 yrs made me really sick of small campuses. so sitting there was rather boring. there's just not much to do and not much places to go to, unless we took the 92. afterwards, we went to my cousins' house. i love being around little kids! they somehow cheer me up & i'm in a good mood afterwards! i heart them, they're such adorable kids. and my aunt took us all to in&out and the cashier gave them stickers and i got one too =] made me SUPER HAPPY. it's so strange, i know. the littlest things can make me happy. & i got to drive home, rather scary if you know me. i did fine except i really fucked up this turn, wouldn't be surprised if the car flipped right then and there. (scarryyy, i know). driver license soon? probably not. but at least i got stickers (= [& 20 bucks from grandma, too.]