Your Heart is Blue
What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla I'm sick!! I don't want to end up being sick on my birthday. That'll suck major balls! Well, didn't do much yesterday. Just went with Betty to the Library Teen Council Meeting. And the Young Adult Librarian/head of the Teen Council was all telling Betty and I to go because there was going to be a fun party for the seniors who were leaving. Damnit, we went there and we sit there and listen to this representative from the Princeton Review who talked about things I already knew. So when we filled out the evaluation, I was pretty pissed off and let my information blank and wrote that it wasn't that helpful. Then we had the sucky senior party and I couldn't eat most of the food because I was sick. The sandwiches and donuts disappeared quickly. And I didn't even eat a donut yet! So then the young adult librarian/head of Teen Council signed my CSF paper and yay, I got 2 hours done! Just 8 more to go! But I'm going to try to do past 10 hours. Afterwards, Betty and I headed over to the Cafe and I just drank Sprite [teehee] and she ate her bagel. Then we came back to the library because apparently, I got her stuck reading Cosmopolitan and about all those sex secrets and tips =/ Then we went to the Chinese Food Festival. But the only section we could go in was the place where they were selling things. We couldn't go into the actual Chinese Food section because it was 8 bucks for admission. I had 45 cent and she had a dollar. Then we tried doing this game thing to win free stuff but we both sucked. So then we just walked around and I'm like "I want the mood ring!" But I didn't want to waste money so when we got bored of the place, I went back to the mood ring and jacked the ring. Betty didn't even notice and she was right next to me. What can I say? Skills.