Listenin' To: For Ryan - The Tights
Feeling: Down
Currently Playing: Gears of what? what's that? war? WAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!
It is that time again to remind my faithful readers, that some of you may sometimes forget what is fact and what is fiction. I can assure you that while many of my strips are based upon fact, this is 100% arse candy. Uhhh... yeah. So yeah, this did NOT happen to Campbell.
You know it just occured to me that I haven't actually SEEN Campbell for almost two years.
(EDIT: Coloured image posted up. Didn't look THAT shithouse after all. But hey, not bad for a first ever try with photoshop :) )
News is in dot points due to angerness.
Bad news:
1. Didn't make it into tafe course. (FAAAAAAAAARK FUCK FUCK FUCKING BULLSHIT)
2. I officially ran out of money. I am now scraping up COINS for petrol money.
3. Looking for jobs is a disaster. The past few months have been entirely fruitless.
4. My sister is listening to tetch-no again and it's driving me insane
5. I tried using Photoshop to colour in this strip but after hours of work it turned out absolutely shithouse
6. And lots of minor thingys I won't go into but it's all being bitchy and annoying
Good news:
1. Gracey is really awesome

i dont have much else to say other than COLOUR!?!?!??!!!
i dont have much else to say other than COLOUR!?!?!??!!!