Listenin' To: Perception Twin - The Butterfly Effect
Feeling: Full
Currently Playing: Voodoo Vince
For the two weeks of the Australian Open, time stands still. All I can do is watch tennis. You can imagine this leads to nothing getting done. BUT NO! I made myself this little gem during a boring match:
Oh, my dear Fildo! You are quite the larrikin!
Is it just me, or are teenagers damn rude these days. I know I sound like an old man, but seriously. My sister had a friend over today, and I walked into the kitchen and the following exchange happened:
Fil: Oh, hello there.
Dude: ...
Fil: Well, most people say hello back, but that'll have to do for today.
Honestly, how hard is it to meet and greet? Too cool for school.
I feel like messing with the google ads.
Gay sex. Lots and lots of gay sex! That means phallus in bum. With added sex toys and perhaps a threesome, but all men. Men having sex. With other men.
Now let's see what they show. eheh.
P.S. Zelo comments!? I shall destloy you!

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