Listenin' To: Straight Lines - Silverchair (Because it's EVERY SECOND SONG on the radio)
Feeling: Freakin' Awesome
Currently Playing: GEARS OF FREAKING WAR *rawk*
On saturday I journeyed through torrential storms, blistering desert, sailed across an ocean, to reach my local EB games. There, I bought Gears Of War.
So fucking awesome. I mean, fuck... the assault rifle has a CHAINSAW on it. Anyway, it blew my mind, so much that it has inspired me to create my first real comic about gaming.
Behold! A massive nine panels!

And so concludes my first leap into game webcomic-ing. At first I wasn't so sure about drawing it, as Sparky's Realm isn't really a gaming webcomic, it's more about life, and just what life does to people. But games are a part of my life too. And Fenix Sparky was just too much fun to draw.
Not too mention the copious amounts of precious red
Went to a rained out bbbqq at Guy's house today. It was mad. We watched Dawn of the Dead, it's a pretty good movie. I mean, if you're into zombies. And you know I lurrrrrve the zombie ladies. Awww yeah. And he also had some bodgy PS2 game called "Backyard Wrestling", which I guess is pretty self-explanatory. I experienced much face-raping while playing this game.
TAFE IS OVER. The audition for the next course was freaking scary. But I think I did well. I got lots of nice feedback such as "hmmm" and "next" and "you will recieve a letter in the mail".
Fingers crossed.
Later dudeys,
How awesome? So awesome.