Listening to: these arms are snakes - horse girl
Feeling: torn
straight to the point
1. friday i went to a bar for a private party, they were whack so i left around 11pm and i went over daniels house in hacienda heights to chill until 2am.
2. saturday i cleaned my room (which never really helps since i throw shot all the time), did laundry, washed my car, and then got ready to hangout with alex. we had met up at daniels and we headed out to the stupidest "party" i've ever been to in west covina. we left really early at around 11pm and i had text adrian telling him that i missed him. him being sarcastic by replying "i know". i never text him back but 10 minutes later he asked me to come over and i did. i got to his house and we went out for dinner to Dennys. After we bought some wine and drank at his house while we watched Pedro Infante movies which i'm all about and i didn't leave until 430am. I live for days like this.
3. Sunday I woke up really early and badger asked me to hangout with him at the studio and i drove to downtown LA and was there falling asleep on his couch while he was recording. Jase and Raquel met us up and we ate some delicious Thai food. I went back home and laid down but of course my bestie Marisa called me telling me to get ready in an hour. The Smiths night @ the ECHO thank you very much. You don't even know how much we percolated on the dancefloor.
this makes me really happy
i knooowww riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

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