Listening to: interpol-obstacle 1
after work i went to my house and visited my mumz since she was sick. ended up buying her some cupcakes and heart shaped balloons. spent time with her and went back to my sister's house.
i'm not big on valentines day but i do appreciate when someone thinks of me and goes out of their way to make me feel special and happy. this boy i met from my cousin stephanie last year, eddie came from his house [torrance] all the way to my sisters house [fontana] (where i have been staying for the past two months) and took me out. normally he isn't one to pay too much attention to a girl, but he likes me. we went out to eat, didn't let me pay :( and after we simply talked about life and the past for about an hour.
although i hate valentines day
i sure did like this one
what did you guys end up doing?

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