valentine's day for me is always a complete waste of a day, time and money. yet the sting of the day always seems to get the best of me and it stayed that way until i received edible arrangements, chocolates and balloons. it never said who they were from and i still haven't found out which kind of creeps me out. it was getting close to the time in which i had to leave work and i still didn't hear from adrian. it bummed me out since he asked me to go to an art show but he actually came through and i went over his house after work. while waiting outside for him i received a phone call saying that they needed to deliver something to me. the person had said that my work was closed and they really wanted me to have this so i waited for almost an hour which pissed me and adrian off but personally i think it was worth the wait. 12 dozen roses in a beautiful vase with a card inside. at that moment adrian had said, "i wonder what this person thinks delivering these to you when you're with another guy." i just started laughing. we left his house in west covina about 7pm and drove to pasadena to pick up his co-worker joel. getting to his 2 bedroom apartment with a madddddddd view we each took a glass of booze, my choice being wine of course and adrian taking beer, what a mexican. not sure of where this art gallery was, i only took directions and sure enough we were in downtown LA off of Main and 4th st. i parked my car in a structure right behind the smell and for $8 flat rate fee, my car was safe! hahaha. walking down the streets with winds bursting on our faces and my little hands being held by adrian, what i thought would be a quick visit ended up being a longer stay. we roamed the LA to various art galleries where they had free food and wine. you know what that means! if you know what LA means to me and what it's all about you know the whole scene, art, fashion and panorama. in one particular gallery a white guy came up to us and asked us what we thought of a painting, he ended up talking to adrians co-worker joel about charles bukowski, me living in compton, getting rowdy!, calling us out on only going because of free food; booze and entrance, saying people from burbank are drunks that go to places if free booze served and then admitting he lives in burbank. fuckmylife! around 11pm we were all drunk, joel's wife came to hangout with us after she got off work and goodness sake she's fucking amazing! for the first time... adrian bought me something and that was 2 wines glasses and i was sure as hell surprised, he just gave me a therapeutic smile and was ever so sweet with me. the fact that i didn't get carded anywhere was amazing but i'm almost there baby 3 more months! after a while joel and his wife left and so did we. we went over adrians house and the rest of the night was just a soundtrack of pachuca sunrise on repeat.
