august 31st 2008
sunday 1:26 pm
last day of august / summer is almost over
my sister is taking plant evolutionary morphology (yeah, it sounds like a course neville longbottom would take at hogwarts) and her professor asked if anyone wanted a petri dish of slime mold. "of course," she told me, "i said yes." at the time, i was speaking to her over the phone and i asked where she was keeping it. she said it was still in her backpack. "oh... well, shit. it moved because it was getting shuffled around. i should probably take it out now." she took it out and then said 'cool' before placing it away. this thing is now in one of her cabinets tucked safely away from too much sunlight eating some oatmeal that she is feeding it:
why anyone would want that i'm not sure.
she sounds really excited about taking the course, but knowing her i expected that. crazy biology with a concentration in ecology and evolutionary biology majors. i will say that i am always fascinated and eager to hear more whenever i talk to my sister about her classes. though i don't know if i receive nearly the same reception when i tell her about what goes on in the kitchen. usually people don't get that excited about food unless you're making something for them.
ps; embedded videos work here now! i tried to upload a video to my vimeo account, but it's entirely too big for the 500mb allowed ;/ and at 18m39s it's 1.21gb which won't even cut it for my youtube account. i guess i need to do some cutting on the macbook.

As for tattoo's mine FUCKING KILLED! And i'm not too happy with it :( the colour hasn't taken too well so I'm gonna have to go through it allll again lol!
Any ideas what you'll get