june 6th 2008
friday 8:00 pm
i know how to beat the heat: cake batter ice cream + sprinkles + chunks of brownie + caramel sauce + waffle bowl. i have had two of those in the last two weeks. so bad, but so good. it tastes just like birthday cake. that's the smallest size you can get, if you can believe that. i can't imagine getting a size larger.
i made brown-sugar raisin bread a few days ago from williams-sonoma's bread book. i noticed that i had five slices left so in an attempt to use it all up i made bread pudding. i have never made it or eaten it so hopefully i end up liking it. i'm on this website now (well, for a few weeks) and i log everything i have consumed everyday. my top five frequently consumed food items are: rice, evian spring water, cranberry juice, tuong ot sriracha, and diet coke cherry. i guess i usually eat a variety of things with rice and am always drinking water / cranberry juice / diet sodas. since my sister is here i asked her if she wanted to go running with me at the high school my mother works at. she got one of the janitors to unlock the gym (since there is no use for it because summer school is in session) and we ran around the track located above. well, we ran for a little bit. i haven't exercised in a while! ;/ then we jogged... for a long time. i wanted to quit, but i knew that if i kept pushing myself it wouldn't be so bad. and it wasn't. it actually felt really good even if i felt like i was half-way ready to die. that's exercising for you, i suppose.
