march 28th 208
friday 12:15 am
yesterday in the morning i went to a thrift store that sells a lot of old national geographic magazines. they were going at 50c each so i looked through most all of them. i ended up buying five issues: skylab 1974, moscow the city around red square 1978, guatemala a fragile democracy 1988, vietnam hard road to peace 1989, and growing up in east harlem 1990. i purchased the ones whose main articles were of interest to me and the pictures inside were good enough to use for a collage. that was the plan- to make a collage for each magazine. i ended up not starting any of them.
i had planned to hang out with a friend that evening, but she called me much earlier to come over. she also asked me to bring my canon. another friend of hers, courtney, was there when i arrived. she wanted pictures taken of herself. apparently she wants to try out to be america's next top model. she is pretty tall at 5'10" whereas i am much much below that ;/ we ended up taking pictures near a wall covered with graffiti. we spotted it behind small bushes and had to clear the way.
we put them in for one hour development and i was pleased how they came out. you can tell that my scanner and saving of the picture lost some of its quality, but courtney has the originals and that is all that matters. she let me keep the double of the original picture above since it was my favorite. it reminded me a lot of the harlem issue even though i did not intend it to be that way. it just happened.

p.s: if you come during summer time, that's like entering hell. it's hot out here during that time.