Listening to: people talking
Feeling: hot
I am burning up! I miss him already! He was...Ida know, sumthin special to me! Im going to miss kIm too! I got her think monkey and a card if you squeze it's neck it starts yelling and it went off during finals in Social Studies, and our teacher was like,"Kimberly, let me see that!". But instead of confiscating it she fell in love with it! After finals we watched Futurama but I decided to play cards with LeeAnn, Amber, Justin, and Kimberly.We were playing spades, 'cept me and Kim didn't know how to play. Wow ! My he has soft hands! Okay, never mind, off topic!And Amber was trying to make us loose, but my he was nice and helped me win? I guess! I still don't know who won! Then after that we started playing BS but then he quit and ran off with some 8th grade gurl!I was kinda pissed but then I got over it! Then when we went out to the bus, I saw him and I said bye, but I didn't get a hug, and now I regret it! Holly got one! On the bus, only a few peoples were there, and Holly and her brother Scott started telling us about the new Star Wars!**sarcasum**Whoop, Whoop**more sarcasum**!I know absolutly nothing about Star Wars, I thought that Anakin was Chewbaka.He he! I'm so pathetic!
I'm gonna e-mail him now!

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