I'm sore and sick! My mommy finally let me stay home...ON FEILD DAY! Oh well, saved me sum humiliation! Our homeroom kinda sukx @ everything! And we probably will get beat @ every event! Kim's homeroom probably won sumtin' cauze she has me "he" n her "he" in her homeroom! Yushterday on the fone I told her how her "he" has abs and she started kinda malfunctoning! I was just kidding! I dont really know and I doubt that CARLA(his almost kinda stalker, who is convinced that he is seriously and mysteriously in love with her and is just to shy to tell her)knows either! I changed my backround yusherday night while my mom was on the phone wif her best friend, no...Kim didn't have anything to do wif it! She probably dozent even know yet, but she will in Business Ed when she secretly looks at my sitdiary(Muhhahahaha!)(It's funny cuz our teacher dosent suspect a thing!)OOOOOpppz! I'm obviously not at skool and if we have klazzes, not only will I have major makeup work but she may have to present our Business Ed project on her own!{GASP}!
Me and Kim seriously suffer from a disease that we call, "Only child syndrome!". It causes you to talk to yourself, sing stupid songs for no apparent reason,laugh for hours at a time(usually at your self or because you haven't laughed in a while), dress up and have "gum-tea"(if you dont understand the "gum tea" that's caz it's an inside joke betweeen me and kim!) dance around like you are out of your mind, and also perform other stunts that could seriously get you into a medical facility!It's okay though, cuz me and Kim will probably be put in the same mental facility and we will drive those poor people outa their minds!HAHA!
i HATE BEING SICK 'SPECIALLY CUZ my mom is giving me this NASTY cough medicine that I think is making me even sicker!

this is how me and kim run laps in gym klaz! she was probably doing this when she played kickball today!

this is what our little mood swings look like!

we just adore choclate bubblegum!
(please dont steal my icons cuz i dont have alot of them anyway! Th'an'k you kindly!)
Luv me!...NOW!