Listening to: Mrs.Dunker\'s voice
Feeling: numb
Today we were in the Cafeteria for german because of the storm and we aren't supposed to go outside when there is a storm!So I did something that's hard to x-plain, and she started looking at me like I should appologise to her or something! She can kiss my ass!But when someone else messes up...it's okay! And I don't like Vontrilla again!Oh well...today was drawing this picture of Sean with a dress on and it was pointy and it had a picture of toast on it! But then I changed it to a toaster which became a mouse until Kim told me that it looked like a steamboat! Me and Kim are always laughing!If laughing keeps you healthy and x-pands your life span...me and Kim may never die cause we never stop laughing!
ha-ha we are!

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