Listening to: New Found Glory~ All down hill from here
Feeling: loving
YAY!!!!!!!!! i got to talk to Scott Yesterday FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!! He has been up to where he is moving working on the farm and house .... he has been trying to call but it's been popping up unknown on the ID and i don't like answering them but now i will ..^_^ i was going to see him last night but right before him and Jeff were about to leave one of his old teachers called and told them his grades so he got grounded ...that was POO ! damn teacher should DIE ..muhaha so we talked on the phone until midnight and then we went to bed ! well Sam is supoose to come in town and i promised to go back to her house as long as it's not Friday or before ...Friday is Scott's last day living in E-ville ..... i'll miss him but we are going to try and stay together and i relly hope it works out he's the only one for ME ^_^ Byes HAPPY BOB

an hour is not very far away, but i know that the separation of two hearts in not fun, i honestly think you two will be fine, if not... you can slap me for lieing (not too hard though)