Well today was awkward.... but i'm okie dokie.... i wish people would leave me alone or at least people who dislike me ..... gosh try to leave you guys alone and you try to make my b-day sad ... well you didn't ... and that was one of the meanest thing anybody would do ... i mean i have done some mean things ... i really have but i would never do anything as mean as that ...and no Silly Trey i don't even no that guy and plus i wouldn't do gross things like that anyway ..he was a really nice guy and he gave me a BIRTHDAY PRESENT ..... i mean nice guys actually get somewhere.... and you know what Trey i was talking to ALicia about going out with you and i actually that that would be a good idea for you two to go out..... geeze .... i should stop being so nice i'll just get stepped on .... well anyway i can't talk to you anymore ......
Steven your one of the weirdest but nicest guy i know ! BEST FRIENDS FOREVER you to ALex and George