Hello ....well i kind of figured this was going to happen sooner or later but Scott broke up with me ...it wasn't really breaking up it was seprating ....but to most people it's the same thing .....He said that he feels bad that he never comes down but he's always busy and i understand that he can't call ...and he said that maybe we'll get back together after a while or something .. which i hope it will ....one day.....most high school and long distance relationships never work out so yeah maybe when we are older ..i'm staying away from any relationships for a long while ...welp i think this is going to be the last entry from me for a while ........ i might write others later but right now i'm worried about myself right now i never no what i'm going to do when i get depressed ...i have to stay stronge or at least try to... now i only regret two things ...breaking up with Scott in 8th grade because i think we would still be together if i hadn't and the other was something i don't want to talk about but i do want to slap the fuck out of someone for it !