Heh. Thanks to mkitch08 for letting me take his survey!
Well its the big 100! How exciting!
Since felicia did a survey it must be cool to do those >> READ >>
1. What do YOU think of the way you look? When people first see me for the first time, they tend to judge me for the funniest things. I tend to have different looks to me.
2. What do YOU think about your attitude? It can be good and medium. I never have a really mean attitude because thats not me.
3. What do you think about life after death?
I really have no idea.. I will let you know though ;0
4. What do you think about Karma?
Karma? Karma what?
5. What do you think about love?
Hmm... its interesting.
6. What do you think about fate?
Whats fate?
7. What do you think about yourself?
I am proud of myself and I always work my butt off to succeed.
8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard?
That I can pull through it and I think of when the times were really great for me.
9. What would you give your life for?
Jesus Christ- my Savior. I owe it to him.
10. What do you think about your first love?
Hmm... I was like 3.. all I remember was he gave me a ring during nap time. Omg.. these are soo ritarded memories.
11. What do you think about the first person that loved you?
I really dont think anyone has loved me... everyone is my friend and I am too close to them all....
12. What are you scared of?
Dying- cause it is not proven that there is a Heaven.. so if you think about it.. once you die.. it could just be all over forever and ever....
13. Do you cry easily? heck yes!
14. Name something that has touched you:
hmm.... mrs phoebus! TEAR!!!!!
15. What was the saddest moment of your life?
I really don't have sad moments.. yet. My life is mostly happy.
16. What would life be without friends? ...
I wouldn't have a life- I would probably be 6 feet under in a coffin read: "Here lies Kate ... committed suicide"
17. Without family?
I would be absolutely nowhere.
18. Without you?
I really don't know if people need me?
19. Are you deep? Deep? Hmm...
20. Do you think love is once in a lifetime, or just chance?
True love only happens once.
21. What do you think of reincarnation? eh?
22. Should religion be taught in schools?
Heck yes. And it should be Christian. Hence why America was founded- WHITE PROTESTANTS. So all you people who are sooo INSULTED WITH THE WORD GOD WRITTEN IN THE COMMANDMENTS.. AND THE PLEDGE... GO HOME! If you don't like our religion.. leave! America is already over populated with people!
23. Do pop stars have an obligation to be good role models?
Its the least they can do with all that moolah.
24. What's your view on interracial relationships? whats interracial? GOSH.. I THOUGHT MRS NECOLETTOS' VOCAB WAS HARD :(
25. Should teens have long-lasting, meaningful romantic relationships? sure? why not?
26. Is there anything morally wrong with the society we live in? society is so screwed up today-
27. Will there ever be world peace?
eh. no.
28. Do you want to be famous? not really.
29. Is Eminem a musical genius, musician or a jerk? FIRST OF ALL.. RAP ISNT MUSIC. So he isn't a musicial genious because all he does is write his songs and he isnt a musician.. In order to be a true musician, you have to write the MUSIC not the LYRICS. Being a musician I feel very insulted when people make up the lyrics to their songs and get all this attention for having such a great song.
I can make up a song right now:
I am through with you.. Oh yeah.
There have been times when I hate you- eh.
Cause you are history to me!
Cause I dont care now anymore.
But if I dont write the music to it.. then I just wrote words.
So Eminem is an IDIOT. But he is a smart one- he is the richest rapper out there- and he isnt even BLACK.
So for the society question- yeah our society is messed up.
phew :)
30. Is music an important part of your life?
31. Are you musically inclined?
32. Do you gossip?
Sometimes.. but not that much.. cause it comes back to haunt you.
33. Do you lie? yep.
34. What's your dream job? a TOLL LADY! WAHA.
35. Do you have emotional issues carried over from childhood? um... no?
36. By whom were you raised? mom and dad - love you both.
phew.. got worked up over that survey.

Look! I am a rhombus!

Heh. And I am the bumper cars. Fun!
awesome diary by the way.