Remember how I told you that I missed my "world religions" test? Well let me give you a little flashback ( yes, like what drugs do to you)
Once upon a midnight dreary, nervous, dreadfully nervous (AHH!! I'M GOING OFF TOPIC)
I walked into the office and I was REALLY sick. The only reason I went to school was to take all of my makeup tests. So the first thing Mrs. Carney says is "Kate are you feeling better?" And Mrs. Janz is like "Oh, I hope you feel better, etc." But then Mrs. Roach comes and goes "Kate, you better of been absent for a reason. You will take the religion test at study period, you hear?!!!!!" And I was like whatever. Grr... she needs to realize that religion isnt about African solidarity. Does anyone care?! It's kind of Africa's fault of their Aids cases. They shouldn't be having like 18 kids. Whatever... oh and about those farm workers... at least they are getting paid?! We have bigger problems to worry about like people that don't even have jobs. Don't even get me started about that. I need to take a nap. Night Night!

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