Hmm... well I barely touched the computer this week.. so thats why my last entry was about a week ago.. thanks for all the comments....
Lets see what went on in my life...
Sunday I had a concert... we did great... ooh forget my schedule.. no one reads my schedule anyway...
I had math (algebra)this morning and we had school off which really stunk cause I had to get up like it was a school day.. and then Mr Masters had us do volleyball from 8-12 this weekend.. which stunk even more... our first game is monday at st gregorys... we are gunna do great!
Arrgh.. school math is really getting on my nerves.. Mrs. Shienfeld is realllllllllllllllly mean! I finished my paper and I was reading and she said that I was doing something inappropriate... wtheck?? READING?? SINCE WHEN IS READING INAPPROPRIATE?? And then she gives out these stupid "Jellybeans" if we work in groups together...
mr porto is soo ritarded.. he hires the dumbest teachers.. seriously.. the reason why he is leaving is because he realizes that he turned our school into a complete failure... haha.. im outta there next year so haaha!
then the thing that is annoying is everyone is like WHEN ARE WE GETTING STUDENT ID'S?? WHAT DO THEY LOOK LIKE?? im just gunna put a sign up..
and then.. they dont come with the lanyards anymore because they are unavailable.. so they are just some gay clip.. which makes me mad..
i saw pacifier today... it was cute..tehe
well i gotta go .... imma little stressed..