i honestly have no control of my life at the moment and describing it hmm.. if i were on a ship at see.. lets just say i started out with a pretty good sized boat with many people on my crew and i was the captain.. i had my little pirates running around with there patches ( to eric whom says girls cant be pirates.. ) my pirates were all men ( note to eric again... you never said girls cant be captains ) hahaha shimmer me timber .. but anyways back to the whole story.. so i have a big boat with many people on deck.. and we catch lots of fish.. well im gonna guess that in like october a big storm came.. and i eventually lost every single fish on deck.. during the month of november we seem to have caught a few more.. but we could not keep them steady as we would of course lose them again.. then came december came where we had many a fish on deck and many people seeing as how i think december was a good month.. but then at the end of december and to the beggining of january there was a new ship that pretty much took control of my ship and kicked me off ( not that i was kicked from a group of any sort.. it just happened to be a way of describing the fact that i had pretty much fallen to pieces ) so i was then stuck in a little life saving boat.. where i was sailing into a distant land in which im all alone and dont know what is going on.. i probably have blindfolds on because im that confused and dont really and honestly know where i am anymore.. i have no idea.. save me from the mess in which i have created.. blah need sleep. i should probably go to bed.. otherwise i will probably sleep in school tomorrow.. which today i did not sleep once and was proud of myself so i must try again tomorrow so i need at least a little bit of sleep tonight so.. toodeloo.. jolly oh good friends.. i shall see most people again tomorrow..
taddaa.. tonight was fun.. we had pep band which was of course gay but then afterwards we had gone to lulu beans.. me jess and grant and we had fun taking pictures.. uh yes indeed.

love always,