you say all these things to me and get me all high hopes and then im turned down im so sick of you seriously and there will never be a moment where im not sick of you im sick and tired of all this shit that you put me through and you dont even know and i like it that you dont know cuz then when you finally find out youll feel bad oh wait never mind no you wont, you want to know why, cuz you dont care about me which is fine i guess but im sick of you pretending and im sick of everything that you put me through and you dont know it and it kills me sometimes, right now im fine but i thought we had plans but then no i guess not see once again im thrown down by you and you piss me off soo bad and grrr.. i just need to get away sometimes but writing things down helps me soooo much but ya
im sick of you i wish youd go away but then again i love you and you cant leave
Zeut Oui
erica t