im really shaky right now and i dont know if its cuz im cold or just scared but i dont know what to do right now the problems like i dont know how to get us there and how to get out of the house and what and such but your attached and i dont know if its good or bad but its gonna get to a bad point and i dont know what to do but oh my gosh the frustrations ugh i want to kill them i feel bad for you and my last entry what i typed was wrong and i feel really bad and i hate the ppl that are killing you but we have to make a plan to get you out of there i will save you cuz your my daughter we'll get it right but maybe not for the whole night but we'll try our best for everything take it one thing at a time we'll find the way
the way to get out of here
no ones gonna help us not even mom she doesnt understand no one does and i dont know im confused on what to do where do we go and what do we do and i dont know if i should have asked her to help us but theres no other way to do it and now shes just being stupid and im soo frustrated and ya he just called and we both feel so bad i dont know what to do and he doesnt and its just terrible and its frustrating and ugh grrr i dont know what to do and now i need you to get out of the shower and ugh i wish they could understand but they dont there stupid and i just want them to understand that we need to take you away from there and not just cuz of him but because its killing you and just grrr
even later-
why did i go it was just more pain to me i cant believe i saw that person im so heartbroken and then i talked to whats his name and right now im just sick of it all i wish i could just go somewhere else why is life so difficult your dying and your taking me with you and now im just falling and its making me worse and im just so sick of this like he isnt goin to break up with you and i talked to him about it and i just grr today was a really bad day and im just mad cuz i saw this other kid there and im soo mad cuz i didnt get to say hi to him but i could tell it was him by the way he walks and the back of his hair oh how i wish i could put my hands threw his hair and just play with it i wish i could have been there with him im so upset and today not only sucked for you but it sucked for me and the other one that is dealing with this right now but ugh how i wish i could have said hello to that other kid ugh ugh ugh i would have chased him a thousand miles till i caught up to him but she was taking me away from the place and i had to go and as i glanced away he was gone when i turned back ugh how bad i want him ugh ugh ugh how depressing today is im so pathetic about how this is all being tossed around and making it everyones problem and i want to come over but i dont think i can for i need to stay home cuz of my own parents and i think i need to stay home to think of my own problems theres just way to much to handle and i know your dad is mad and stuff but like you need to just ignore him like you are and just do what you want and he cant take it he so much stuff for himself as well and he cant cope with this either and like its just i dont know what to do anymore i wish i could just leave all of us just go start somewhere new if you just wouldnt have gone to school with him if just whatever things wouldnt be so lost and confusing oh and by the way if you would have gone you would have seen the person you gave up to go out with this kid cuz the other person was there i dont know i dont want to say anymore things im threw with this right now im just gonna go watch some chick flick with my mom or somethin call me where you can
more.. like i seen the boy today prepare to shatter...

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