so after i got home from starbucks yesterday i went to the avenue w/ katie alex sean and phill. we just walked around then ate at johny rockets where i stained my white pants and found out they were see-through and you could see my thong! o well.. then i went out to eat with the granparents at capozi's-let me tell you P-A-R-T-Y! well that was pretty much my day.. so today i got to sleep in until 9:30 because i only had to take my graphic arts final which started at 11:15. it felt so wierd.. its getting me into the summer mood!! so i went to school and took the final which was way easy then went to the zoo w/ christy..lol. it was kind of fun because we were like delirious from being so tired... then we went back to my house then the pool and met katie there! came back christy left, went out to eat at swallow at the hallow, watched american idol where Vonzel got kicked off :(,went running, and now i am here! tomorrow i have to go in from 9:15 until 10:30 for spanish final.. it sucks because i left my study sheet in my locker so i have to go in early.. o well! then i think i am going to perimeter mall. 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL SUMMER!!! x3 yall! seems like just yesterday you were a part of me i used to stand so tall i used to be so tall your arms around me tight everything it felt so right unbreakable like nothing could go wrong ♥
Your a realllly lucky person. XD
Your diary is cute too. :3
#entry_table {border:8px dotted;border-color:#FFFFFF}
thats the code.. dont forget to take out the spaces after the first arrow and before the last arrow !