at blehs (blair) house... omg last night was SO much fun!! first we watched the notebook.. BEST movie ever i cry every single time i see it. then thirteen.. OMG it was incredible. it was about this 13 year old girl who makes friends with the wrong people and starts doing drugs having sex stealing and cutting herself. the whole time while i was watching it i was thinking how true the movie was and that i am SO glad i met the friends i have today because who knows where i could have been with out them. its scary to think that there actually are teenagers out there that do that kind of crap to themselves.. just ruining their life is what i would say. ane ways so yah we went to bed around 2 because we had to wake up at 7:30 to drop a power puff however you spell it form. welll blair went back to sleep but i cant because i already washed my face and once water touches this face i am up. i am going to go eat something then we might go up to the avenue

AnY oNe wHo tHiNkS S u N s H i N e iS HaPpInEsS hAs nEvEr DaNcEd iN tHe *rAiN*
love you!~