ok WOW today was the LONGGGEEEESSSSTTTT day of my life! well first i had to leave early because i forgot one of my binders which i needed to study with for a test.. so i went in early to do that. i studied in bhops room and alex and shell came in!! funny kids... ahhhh shell is getting her permit today.. good luck i x3 you!!then first period omg i have it with nick .. he is the funniest person EVER.. second period blahhhh blahhh then third w/ BROOKS omigaw she i seriously from a different planet w/ her egg shaped head and wierd ass outifts.. ahah today she was wearing a judge dress yah WIERD. then a couple periods came.. graphic arts.. mr.c HATES me seriously the second i click something on my computer he like interigates me because he knows i am not paying attention.. and anyone who has graphic arts knows its IMPOSSIBLE to pay attention.. so then web( when we get out at 12:30) came and i defintely forgot to find a ride home so i had to stay. at first i walked around w/ chris and ate like almost EVERYTHING in the school except the doors.. well actually i only ate sour stuff and pizza but still. then i sat down w/ erik drew and a bunch of people and erik helped me with my crossword puzzle which i still have like 30 left!!ane ways but yah OMG on friday ap is coming w/ me to the play and we can see all of our little buddies again! then shes sleeping over. hopefully we wont freak ourselves out again HAHA. and i might go see the play tonight with blair! welllll i am going to go watch oprah and then go runing.

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