So, I love Clark. I'm having an amazing time. I've made so many new friends and I'm pretty much just always having fun here. I've run for Freshman Class Rep. I lost by three votes, but it's not final yet because my opponent broke three campaign I still have a good chance. A three vote loss is awfully harsh though...148 to 151, with two invalids. And I've been approached by more than three people saying they wanted to vote for me, but they just didn't get to the that kind of sucks. But hey, them's the breaks. Even if I officially lose freshman rep, I still want to be a part of student council, and student council wants me to be a part as well. After the election results a few of the student council heads came up to me and told me they still really wanted me to be on, so that was nice to hear. I still came back to my room and cried a bit (lame, I know) but soon there was a horde of people at my door. A bunch of my friends had gone to Store 24 and gotten Ben & Jerry's, Dr. Pepper, and Sun Chips and decided it was time to cheer me up. We pretty much all ended up spooning and watching Hook. So good.
I'm playing soccer here, which feels so good. I love it. I have some awfully nice battlewounds too, from the turf field. I've also picked up playing squash...I finally bought my own racket a few weeks ago and Jacob and I, pictured below,

have been playing almost every day since the first week here or so. We're both getting pretty good...although Jacob's better than I am. I've beat him a few times though...which was cool.
I started here August 23rd, and it's now October's gone by so quickly. I'm really just having such a good time.
I was just interrupted by a knock at the door. Turns out someone drew me a picture and wanted to give it to me.

See? I know all of the words are backwards because of silly Photo Booth, but oh well. You get the gist of it.
I loved high school because everyone knew me and the majority of people liked me. I'm not saying it because I'm full of myself...everyone knew me because my mom taught there, and I could get along with anyone. I love college because already a lot of people know me, and so far, the majority of people still like me. But it's to this whole new level. It's like it lets you prove yourself to yourself. It feels good.
I don't miss being in my house, but I do miss my friends back home. I mostly just miss Lily and Sam, but Lily's at Gordon, just outside of Boston about 40 minutes away, so it's easier for me to visit her than Sam. I went home this weekend for homecoming at HA, so I got to hang out with Sam again then, which was good for me. Being best friends since 4th's hard to just leave. He said he has nothing to do anymore now that I'm just makes me feel so bad. Agh.
Oh well. Yayyyy collegggge.
Oh yeah, classes are going well too. Factual Film and Television is a sweet class. We watch documentaries and then talk about them. But History of the Soviet Union's so hard to pay attention in that class and the professor gets some weird thing on his lip when he gets excited about the discussion. Eck.
This is good enough for now...bye sitDiary. It's nice to be back.