To start off this entry, I'd like to introduce you to one of the most horrifying things ever.
So, I was in the check-out line at Marshall's, just browsing through the random things they have sitting there, when I noticed a ridiculously ridiculous Christmas angel decoration.

I will give seven trillion dollars to anyone who can honestly tell me that doesn't look like Paris/Nikki Hilton.
In other news, it was wonderfully wonderful seeing my cousins. Kayla is seventeen months old, Austin is five. And they receive my annual "Cutest Kids in the Universe" award.


"Hi, I'm the most adorable thing ever. Twice."

"Hi, I love Gretchen more than life itself."

"I love rock & roll..."

Uhhhm...this is my dog, Buster. He just likes to be a dog I guess.

And then I obviously just like to be really cool. PEACE.