So the State Championship Varsity Boys Soccer Game was today at Morse, a whopping two hours away which I traversed with Lindsey Wiken, Hailey Cox, Ryan Pendexter, and Mrs. Wiken. I thought it'd be really awkward, because they seem like the least likely candidates for those who I'd ride somewhere with, but it was actually really fun. Lindsey's a lot different when she's outside of school. And I really like Hailey. Ryan doesn't talk much, but was perfectly pleasant when he did. And I love Mrs. Wiken like whoa.
Anyway, Hampden lost to Greely, 3-2. It was a rough game. Max has to feel horrible. You could tell he did by the way he was walking. Ohhhhhsad.
I started up a hardcore cheer of "GIVE ME AN H...A...M..." so on and so forth. It went very well. Everyone cheered as loud as they could, I think, and I got many compliments on my yell. It's kind of like Xena meets Strong Bad. My throat is now disgustingly raw and I can't talk so well, but ohhh well. It was ultra worth it to the max.
My birthday is in four days. 17, you bitch, you better watch out, because Gretchen is a'comin' through.
To end this entry, here are some random pictures from...Friday?...morning.
I go barefoot at school, usually...

There's John, being awesome...

These are two sculptures of mine in the display case by the library...they suck...oh well...

And to finish it off, two sitD related pictures.

It has been a long time. It probably will be a long time till next time, too, because my computer sucks big time. Anyway, I wanted to tell you I am trying to read your stuff again because you are interesting and I miss you.