Listening to: sigur ros
halloween did not dissappoint AT ALL. i had the best halloween of my life, and one of the best nights i've had too probably.
(to do: make a list of very good night from my lifetime and indicate why they deserve to be on that list)
but, fuck. really. it was such a good night for me. it was a fucking blast.
the fucking zombie walk was amazing, the fucking show was amazing. zoe was amazing. the bloody beetroots were SO GOOD.
and julian c came up to me at the show, he recognized me and surprised me in my death makeup and ugly hairstyle. he kissed me on both cheeks (and flirted with me a little bit, i think) and we talked for a few minutes. he was dressed in his normal jeans, white shirt, bright colourful jacket on top, but also had cute bunny ears on. also fur around his cuffs and a tail. i really do like him.
zoe and i went back to her place after the show, and a few leftovers were still there. silka was there. we stayed until about 6am, then left and came home, still in our zombie makeup. it was pretty crazy.
and it is time for bed.

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