Listening to: big d. duh. read on.
SHIT. the show on saturday (pl mafia, the know how, BIG D AND THE KIDS TABLE ) rocked my socks off. holy hell. ska shows are 500 times better than punk shows. 500 times.
the show was so good that now i don't even mind going to el salon. and that's saying something.
And you think you're so fucking impressive
Cause you can get your name on the fucking guestlist
raise your nose to the people in line
give the doorman a fucking high five
and then go
do my shoes match my shirt?
does my shirt clash with my pants?
do my pants match my eyes?
do my eyes look good tonight?
will this place be cool enough?
your hair looks oh, so tough
this looks so good for us
tonight my money's gonna buy me love![]()

i re-fixed my goddamn diary.
I am so cool
Gow is your break>
(how convenient).
I am still giggling about Michael ennis and laxatives. I thought of that when I was at foufs friday. *giggle*
(ou look at me, i'm so dirty, commenting on sit and on myspace)
I was going to tell you, but Krystal was there. It was large amounts of fun.
i've never been to a ska show. i want to though.. i'm sick of damn emo kids trying to squish me in their little mosh pits... blech