Listening to: pump up the volume!!
last nioght i was at joeys, and we went shopping with his mom for a suit. we went to moores, and he tried on this cool like charcoal-coloured suit with pink in it? like i dont know how to explain it. i dont know, it was so fly. i kinda wanted him to get like a tuxedo, with white shirt, vest, and bowtie. but i think his mom didnt wanna spend too much money on him hah. anyways i wanna rape him everytime i see him wear the suit. i hope we'll look cute. i got a really nice dress, its brown, strapless, heartshaped, covered with a sheet of lace. and it flares under my bustline. its looks hot on me.. but im kinda worried about dancing, cause i have rather large booobs and the dress is very skimpy around there. its hot though. and my shoes are perfect, i just need to exchange them for like half a size bigger cause they squish my toes when i stand up. i wanna go to the brass after principals ball. i think itd be funny to go to a bummy bar like the brass all dressed up, when the only people who go there are middle aged alcoholics and underage students whose salary is minimum wage.
today joey came over. he still owes pat 160$, and on top of that he needs money for food and stuff in new york. i told him before i oculd exchange my euros leftover from spain, so he could pay back pat or have money for new york. so we counted the money i had, it was 105 euros. we walk to the exchange bureau and the lady gives me back 124$american. he was really happy. i think he'll need a bit more for new york, but all he really has to worry about is pat, cause im sure his parents will give him money if he needs it.
i got my period today. thankgod. i hate worrying about my birth control working. i need to get my new pack soon, hmm.
i wanna go put some pictures on my computer. then post a cute one of me he took this morning.
well you're a loudmouth baby, you better shut it up

yer sit is sexxxy
hows the birthcontrol emotional crisis? how are you feeling?
i hope you feel better!!!
i want to see your dress! :) except im not sure if Im going to principals ball.
byyye babe!