feeling: excited!!!!!!!!!!
hearing: kelly clarkson-behind these hazel eyes
so much has been going on these last few weeks. the day before my birthday party me and sarah got into a fight bc i was bieng a bitch? w/e she went to beattie cried about it for three hours then we went to the school store. stayed back by herself and when we came back she slit her finger on purpose. what the fuck im not going to even start bc all the little people on here will be bitching at me so if i get any hate comments its cool ill move on and ill get the fuck over it, but i wont go cut myself.
my birthday was cute. everyone came over friday we went out to dinner got some pizza it was all good. then we went and saw
house of wax..um it wasn't that great okay not really the best. um i wasn't even that scared it was kinda nasty. after we came back to my house opened presents and shit. i got a lot of awesome stuff love my friends :) then we all laid down to watch a movie and we all (except steph) fell asleep real quick lol.
the day after shannon and kay left early. steph sarah and i watched the outsiders then sarah went home and then me and steph just chilled and talked. um i don't think i did anything the rest of the weekend, but i can't really remember.
last wednesday was stephs birthday i went in and decorated her locker and shit brought her some hot presents from the dollar store ;). then last friday i went to the mall with sarah steph and kay. everything was cool until sarah said "i want a dooney and bourke purse" i almost shanked the bitch. i mean i know i got the same purse as her but its not like freaking throwing it in her face she hasn't even seen it so w/e.
saturday i woke up stephs dad came and took me to work. came home from work was going to go with shannon so she could get her dress for prom :) aw the baby is growing up :( ahhaha, but i couldn't i had to get ready and shit. got ready then went to stephs we all went to dinner and then went to club zooo man. i had fun i wont go again, but i had fun. wanted to kill sarah by the end of the night but other then that shit was good man no worries (wtf am i talking about). i liked everyone who was there except a few of the girls didn't really try to get to know everyone w/e there problem not mine i was nice (for once). then shannon came back to my house bc my dads retarded and w/e i dunno. we looked a magazines to figure out what she was goign to do with her hair then went to bed.
sunday i woke up early and went to north park with shannon for roxannes little sisters walk thing. it was such a nice day me and shannon laid out for a while and i FRIED man let me tell you. its cool though. we had some food saw my really really really HOT HOT neighbor with his gf >:o w/e. came home cleaned my room and talked to my parents.
this weekend is a three day weekend :)))))) and big fat plus
im going to the MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE AND SUM 41 CONCERT WITH SHANNON AND STEPHANIE!!!!! i can't fucking wait im flipping out! im so excited im gonna go on forever so ill stop. saturday i work and sunday im not sure monday im not working so maybe ill do something with the girls swimming? o just maybe! okay well im out.

Check me out!
Love Jenna