feeling: annoyed with myself
hearing: some lady yell at these kids in the library chill.
some radom kid just handed me this pic of this dog and was like here i made this for you you can hang it in your room. ahhaha oh man. im really sick of being in a bad mood. i dunno maybe im not always in a bad mood its just mike drives me crazy anymore its like STOP TOUCHING ME gosh. w/e i bet people really get annoyed with saying "whats wrong kuhn?" i know i would half the time im not even mad or angry i just look like it. oh well
yesterday was a great day thats all im gonna say ;). im in the library right now skipping gym with sarah oh gosh. i can't wait to go to beattie to see whats gonna happen with marry.
i hope this weekend is better then last. last weekend sucked it felt like everyone was away. tomorrow im going to see
finding neverland with sarah and shannon. steph has to hang out with sam FUCK SAM and kalins going to michigan tonight we'll miss you kay :). well i guess thats all im out.
ps. i really miss everyone. everyone needs to come back from myspace and leave me comments im sad when i dont get commments. :(

Kip Dynamite